Sunday, September 27, 2009

Seasons Greetings !

"आश्विन शुद्ध प्रतिपदा" First day of Navaratri pooja. Celebrating the festival for 9 days and nights all over India and the Tenth day is दशहरा which is a grand celebration.

सभी को दस्सरा की शुभ कामनाएं !!

पद्माकर और ज्योती

Anand Sweets from Bangalore - This is the place we used to buy our sweets for the festival. Taste of the sweet still lingers on my tongue. Simply awesome!. Technology and Internet made it simple. folks! website of Anand sweets from Bangalore. Here you go!!!

At home in Perth we will be celebrating the festival by performing pooja. Jyoti will prepare sweet for the auspicious occasion and will be calling to all near and dear one to exchange greetings.

Spring has already arrived. Days are slowly becoming longer and nights are shorter. There's a change in temperature from last week. Summer is arriving soon and we have to re adjust ourselves to it.

good day
